To file a complaint about a provider or BHSB, please click on Complaint Form. Learn more about our complaint process here.
To report a critical incident please complete the BHSB Critical Incident Form and email the completed form to
For more information about the complaint process contact Diana Long, Incident Management & Investigations Manager at
Because each funding opportunity may call for different forms, be sure to check the Word document attached to ensure that the required forms are submitted. Please see individual description for the correct person to contact with questions or concerns.
- Key Information for Contracts
- Budget Forms
- Contract Attachments
- Other Forms
- Critical Incident Form
- Forms for Supporting Youth/Caregivers
- Forms for Behavioral Health Assisted Living
- Request Form for Letters of Support
- Report Due Date and Forms
- Capitation Provider Forms (Reporting and Budget)
- Outcome Reporting Forms
- RRP Provider Forms
Contract Attachments
Critical Incident Form
Forms for Behavioral Health Assisted Living
Request Form for Letters of Support
Capitation Provider Forms (Reporting and Budget)
Outcome Reporting Forms
- State Mobile-ACT (Please call 443-615-7806 for instructions and the password for this form.)
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program
- Supportive Employment Program
If you have any questions related to the data reporting forms, please call 443-615-7806.