Embrace the Change
This month, we celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc. (BHSB). As I reflect on the past 10 years, I’m struck by how much change we’ve experienced as an organization and a community. Sometimes change is hard, but I believe change offers hope and an opportunity to recommit to our vision of a city where people thrive in communities that promote and support behavioral health and wellness.
Change for BHSB is represented in our growth and progress as a non-profit organization. Our presence as experts for behavioral health has allowed us to help strengthen our behavioral health system. We’ve built lasting partnerships with so many stakeholders who share our vision. And we have committed to becoming a justice-oriented, actively anti-racist organization that addresses oppression, starting with making change as individuals and within our organization.
Throughout the last 10 years, it has been our partners, staff, providers, and community—all working together—that has helped BHSB pursue our vision. Continuing to work alongside each other, we will expand access to and improve the quality of mental health and substance use services, which makes people and communities healthier and more resilient.
As we focus on the years ahead, we acknowledge the hard work needed to continue deconstructing systems of oppression within our behavioral health system and communities. But we are hopeful that this necessary change will ensure that Baltimore is a city where people thrive in communities that promote and support emotional health and wellness.
Change is constant and BHSB is positioned to embrace it. I want to conclude with a quote that gives me hope and keeps me grounded.
“I can hear change humming
In its loudest, proudest song.
I don’t fear change coming
And so I sing along.”
Amanda Gorman, Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem
Let’s embrace the change together, and I look forward to singing along with you.
Crista M. Taylor