About Us
Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc. is a nonprofit organization tasked by Baltimore City to perform the function of managing Baltimore City’s behavioral health system—the system of care that addresses emotional health and well-being and provides services for individuals with substance use and mental health disorders. We help guide innovative approaches to prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery for those who are dealing with mental health and substance use disorders to help build healthier individuals, stronger families and safer communities.
We do this by:
- Influencing policy development through state-level advocacy.
- Raising public health awareness through centered on behavioral health issues.
- Allocating resources for substance use disorder and mental health services to Baltimore service providers.
Our Vision
We envision a city where people thrive in communities that promote and support behavioral health and wellness.
Our Mission
We work to develop, implement and align resources, programs and policies that support the behavioral health and wellness of individuals, families and communities.
Our Values
Our work embodies these core values:
- Integrity
- Equity
- Innovation
- Collaboration
- Quality